Ada Mold Removal


(330) 625-9432

Ada Mold Remediation

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Ada is a small, charming village located in Hardin County, Ohio. With a population of around 5,800 residents, Ada has a close-knit community feel and a rich history dating back to the early 1800s. The village was originally founded in 1853, and its name was inspired by the first name of the daughter of a local judge.

The village of Ada is home to Ohio Northern University, a prestigious private university known for its strong academic programs and beautiful campus. The university brings a youthful energy to the town and offers a range of cultural and educational opportunities for both students and residents. The university also contributes significantly to the local economy and helps to sustain a thriving local business community.

One of the most notable aspects of Ada is its strong sense of community and small-town charm. The village is home to a number of locally owned businesses, including quaint shops, cozy cafes, and family-owned restaurants. The downtown area boasts lovely historic buildings and a welcoming atmosphere that invites residents and visitors to explore and enjoy all that Ada has to offer.

Ada also has a number of beautiful parks and outdoor recreational areas. The 220-acre Ada Park is a popular destination for outdoor enthusiasts, offering playgrounds, picnic areas, walking trails, and sports facilities. The park hosts community events and festivals throughout the year and provides a space for residents to gather and connect with one another. In addition, the nearby Hog Creek Wildlife Area offers opportunities for birdwatching, fishing, and hiking in a serene natural setting.

The village of Ada is proud of its rich heritage, and its residents work hard to preserve and celebrate the town’s history. The Ada Historical Society operates a local museum that showcases artifacts and memorabilia from the village’s past, offering visitors a glimpse into the area’s fascinating history.

Overall, Ada, Ohio is a wonderful place to live, work, and visit. With its strong sense of community, beautiful natural surroundings, and unique small-town charm, it’s no wonder that Ada is beloved by its residents and cherished by visitors.

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