Angelo Mold Removal


(330) 625-9432

Angelo Mold Remediation

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Angelo is a small village located in Shawano County, Wisconsin. With a population of just over 900 residents, it is a close-knit community with a rich history and a strong sense of civic pride.

Originally settled in the mid-1800s, Angelo was founded by Italian immigrants who were drawn to the area by its fertile land and abundant natural resources. The village was named after Angelo Polidori, one of the early settlers who played a key role in its development. Today, many of Angelo’s residents still have Italian heritage and the influence of their culture can be seen in the local cuisine, festivals, and customs.

One of the most notable features of Angelo is its scenic countryside. The village is surrounded by rolling hills, picturesque farmland, and dense forests, making it a haven for outdoor enthusiasts. Hiking, fishing, hunting, and camping are popular recreational activities in the area, and the nearby Shawano Lake offers ample opportunities for water sports and relaxation.

Despite its small size, Angelo boasts a strong sense of community spirit. The village is home to several local businesses, including family-owned farms, shops, and restaurants. Residents take pride in supporting their neighbors and preserving the area’s rural charm.

Angelo also has a rich tradition of community events and celebrations. The annual Italian Festival, held in the summer, is a beloved gathering that brings together residents and visitors for a weekend of music, food, and fun. The festival features traditional Italian dishes, live entertainment, and activities for all ages, making it a highlight of the village’s social calendar.

In addition to its natural beauty and cultural heritage, Angelo is also known for its excellent school system and strong sense of community involvement. The village has a close partnership with its local government, and residents are actively engaged in shaping the future of their community.

Overall, Angelo is a charming and welcoming village that offers a blend of small-town charm, rural beauty, and a strong sense of community. Its rich history, cultural diversity, and natural attractions make it a special place to call home.

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