Appling Mold Removal


(330) 625-9432

Appling Mold Remediation

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Appling is a small town located in Columbia County, Georgia. With a population of around 800 people, it is a tight-knit community that offers a peaceful and serene escape from the hustle and bustle of city life. The town boasts a rich history and a laid-back Southern charm that has made it a popular destination for those seeking a quieter way of life.

One of the town’s most prominent features is the Appling Courthouse, a historic building that served as the county seat for many years. Built in 1856, the courthouse is an iconic symbol of Appling’s past and is now home to the Columbia County Historical Society. Visitors can explore the exhibits and learn about the town’s fascinating heritage.

Nature enthusiasts will appreciate Appling’s proximity to the beautiful Clarks Hill Lake, also known as J. Strom Thurmond Lake. This expansive body of water offers fantastic opportunities for fishing, boating, and water sports, making it a haven for outdoor activities. The surrounding area is also home to several parks and nature reserves, providing plenty of opportunities for hiking and wildlife spotting.

One of the town’s most popular events is the annual Columbia County Fair, which takes place in the fall. This family-friendly festival features carnival rides, live entertainment, food vendors, and agricultural exhibitions, celebrating the local community and bringing people together from far and wide.

For history buffs, the Kiokee Baptist Church and the Mackey House are must-see attractions. Both sites offer a glimpse into Appling’s past and provide insight into the town’s development over the years.

Despite its small size, Appling is home to a close-knit community that values its traditions and heritage. The town’s friendly residents and welcoming atmosphere make it a great place to visit or live. Whether you’re interested in history, outdoor recreation, or simply seeking a peaceful retreat, Appling has something to offer everyone.

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