Arden on the Severn Mold Removal


(330) 625-9432

Arden on the Severn Mold Remediation

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Arden on the Severn is a charming and picturesque community located in Anne Arundel County, Maryland. Situated along the scenic Severn River, this waterfront neighborhood offers residents a tranquil and idyllic setting to call home. With its beautiful natural surroundings and close-knit community atmosphere, Arden on the Severn provides a peaceful and serene lifestyle for its residents.

The community of Arden on the Severn is well-established and has a rich history dating back to the early 20th century. Its roots as a summer resort destination are still visible today in the historic architecture and peaceful ambiance of the area. The neighborhood is known for its tree-lined streets, spacious lots, and beautiful waterfront properties that offer stunning views of the river.

One of the main draws of living in Arden on the Severn is its access to the water and outdoor recreational activities. Residents can enjoy boating, fishing, and water sports right in their own backyard. The community also has a private beach and pier for residents to relax and soak up the sun. Additionally, there are several parks and nature trails nearby, making it easy for residents to stay active and enjoy the natural beauty of the area.

Arden on the Severn is also conveniently located near several major cities and metropolitan areas, providing residents with easy access to a wide range of amenities and attractions. Annapolis, the capital of Maryland, is just a short drive away and offers a vibrant downtown area with shops, restaurants, and cultural activities. The neighborhood is also within close proximity to Baltimore and Washington D.C., making it an ideal location for commuters and those who want to explore the surrounding areas.

In summary, Arden on the Severn is a highly desirable and sought-after community in Maryland, offering a peaceful waterfront lifestyle with plenty of outdoor recreational opportunities. Its rich history, natural beauty, and convenient location make it a wonderful place to call home.

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