Argillite Mold Removal


(330) 625-9432

Argillite Mold Remediation

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Argillite is a small unincorporated community located in Greenup County, Kentucky, United States. It is situated in the northeastern part of the state and is part of the Huntington-Ashland, WV-KY-OH, metropolitan area. Argillite is known for its rural and scenic surroundings, with rolling hills, lush forests, and beautiful landscapes.

The name Argillite comes from the geological term “argillaceous,” which means clay-like. This is fitting as the area was once known for its rich deposits of shale and clay, which were used in the production of bricks and ceramics. Although mining and manufacturing were once major industries in the region, they have largely declined in recent years, and many residents now work in nearby cities or in agriculture.

Despite its small size, Argillite has a close-knit and friendly community. The area has a low crime rate and a high quality of life, making it an ideal place for families and retirees. The community is served by a small number of local businesses, including a grocery store, gas station, and a handful of restaurants. Additionally, there are several churches and community organizations that provide a strong sense of unity and support.

One of the highlights of Argillite is its natural beauty and outdoor recreational opportunities. The area is surrounded by picturesque landscapes, offering ample opportunities for hiking, fishing, hunting, and wildlife viewing. The nearby Greenbo Lake State Resort Park is a popular destination for outdoor enthusiasts, featuring a scenic lake, hiking trails, camping facilities, and a golf course.

In conclusion, Argillite, Kentucky may be a small community, but it offers a peaceful and friendly environment with a strong sense of community. Its natural beauty and recreational opportunities make it an attractive place for those who appreciate the great outdoors. With its rich history and small-town charm, Argillite is a hidden gem in the Bluegrass State.

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