Bastrop Mold Removal


(330) 625-9432

Bastrop Mold Remediation

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Bastrop, Texas is a small city located in the heart of the Lone Star State, just 30 miles southeast of Austin. With a rich history, beautiful landscapes, and a vibrant community, Bastrop has something to offer everyone.

Founded in 1832, Bastrop is one of the oldest towns in Texas. It was named after Felipe Enrique Neri, Baron de Bastrop, an influential figure in the early development of the state. The historic downtown area still showcases many original buildings from the 19th and early 20th centuries, giving visitors a glimpse into the town’s past.

Nature enthusiasts will find plenty to love in Bastrop, as it is located near the famous Lost Pines Forest. This unique pine forest is a relic of the last ice age and provides a home to diverse wildlife and beautiful scenery. Visitors can explore the area by hiking, biking, or horseback riding on the many trails that wind through the forest. The Colorado River also flows through the area, offering opportunities for fishing, kayaking, and other water activities.

Bastrop is also known for its vibrant arts and culture scene. The town hosts frequent live music events, art exhibits, and theater productions. The annual Bastrop Music Festival brings in musicians from all over the state to perform in various venues around the city. The artistic community in Bastrop is supportive and welcoming, making it a great place for both artists and art lovers to call home.

The city also hosts a variety of festivals and events throughout the year, including the Bastrop Patriotic Festival, the Yesterfest celebration of history and heritage, and the Bastrop County Hot Air Balloon Festival. These events bring the community together and attract visitors from all over the state.

In addition to its natural beauty and cultural offerings, Bastrop is also a great place to live. The town has a strong sense of community and a low cost of living, making it an attractive option for families and individuals alike. Whether you are interested in history, outdoor activities, or the arts, Bastrop has something for everyone.

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