Beach Haven West Mold Removal


(330) 625-9432

Beach Haven West Mold Remediation

Got a mold problem? We can help!

Call: (330) 625-9432

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Beach Haven West is a charming waterfront community located in Stafford Township, New Jersey. Situated just across the bay from Long Beach Island, Beach Haven West offers residents a laid-back coastal lifestyle with easy access to both the beach and the mainland.

The community is known for its network of lagoons and waterways, making it a popular destination for boaters and water enthusiasts. Many homes in Beach Haven West have private docks, allowing residents to easily access the Barnegat Bay and enjoy activities such as fishing, crabbing, and boating.

In addition to its waterfront amenities, Beach Haven West is also home to several parks and playgrounds, providing plenty of opportunities for outdoor recreation. The nearby Manahawkin Lake Park offers walking trails, a playground, and picnic areas, making it a great spot for families to enjoy the natural beauty of the area.

For those who enjoy dining and shopping, Beach Haven West is just a short drive away from the many restaurants, shops, and entertainment options of Long Beach Island. Residents can easily access the island’s beautiful beaches, boardwalks, and attractions, making it a perfect place for a day trip or a night out.

Beach Haven West has a strong sense of community, with many local events and activities throughout the year. The Beach Haven West Civic Association organizes events such as community clean-ups, holiday celebrations, and social gatherings, providing residents with the opportunity to connect with their neighbors and get involved in the community.

The real estate in Beach Haven West consists mainly of single-family homes, many of which offer stunning waterfront views and access to the lagoons. With its picturesque setting and easy access to both the beach and the mainland, Beach Haven West is a desirable place to live for those seeking a coastal lifestyle in a tight-knit community. Whether you’re a boating enthusiast, nature lover, or simply looking for a peaceful seaside retreat, Beach Haven West has something to offer for everyone.

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