Bexley Mold Removal


(330) 625-9432

Bexley Mold Remediation

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Bexley, Ohio is a charming suburb located just east of downtown Columbus. With a population of approximately 14,000 people, Bexley is known for its tree-lined streets, beautiful homes, and strong sense of community. The city is also home to the prestigious private college, Capital University, and boasts a rich history and a thriving cultural scene.

One of the most notable features of Bexley is its stunning architecture. The neighborhood is filled with historic homes, many of which were built in the early 20th century. The blend of grand, old-world estates and more modest, but equally charming, homes gives the area a unique character and appeal. The historic homes are well-maintained and the city takes great pride in preserving its architectural heritage.

Bexley is also known for its top-rated public schools and its family-friendly atmosphere. The Bexley City School District consistently ranks among the best in the state and offers students a high-quality education in a supportive environment. The city also has numerous parks, playgrounds, and recreational facilities, making it an ideal place for families to live and play.

In addition to its residential charm, Bexley offers a variety of shopping and dining options. The Main Street area is home to several boutique shops, restaurants, and cafes, giving residents and visitors plenty of choices for shopping and dining. The city also hosts a number of community events throughout the year, including the popular Bexley Fourth of July Parade and the Bexley Jazz in the Park concert series.

Bexley’s close proximity to downtown Columbus provides residents with easy access to all that the capital city has to offer. Whether it’s catching a Columbus Blue Jackets game, visiting the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium, or exploring the city’s many museums and cultural attractions, Bexley residents have endless opportunities for entertainment and recreation.

Overall, Bexley, Ohio is a charming and vibrant community that offers a high quality of life for its residents. With its beautiful homes, excellent schools, and strong sense of community, it’s no wonder that Bexley is considered one of the most desirable neighborhoods in the Columbus area.

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