Bordentown Mold Removal


(330) 625-9432

Bordentown Mold Remediation

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Bordentown, New Jersey is a charming town located in Burlington County. With a rich history dating back to its founding in 1682, Bordentown is a place filled with historic landmarks and a strong sense of community.

One of the most notable features of Bordentown is its historic district, which is home to a number of beautifully preserved buildings dating back to the 18th and 19th centuries. These buildings include homes, churches, and commercial buildings that give visitors a glimpse into the town’s past. One of the most famous landmarks in Bordentown is the Clara Barton School, where the renowned American Red Cross founder once taught.

Bordentown is also home to notable cultural and historical sites such as the Thomas Paine House, the Borden House, and the Bordentown Historical Society. The town also boasts a diverse range of architectural styles that add to its unique character.

In addition to its historic significance, Bordentown offers a variety of recreational opportunities. The town’s proximity to the Delaware River provides residents and visitors with opportunities for boating, fishing, and other water-based activities. Bordentown also has a number of parks and open spaces for outdoor activities such as hiking and picnicking.

Bordentown is also well-known for its thriving arts and culture scene. The town hosts numerous events and festivals throughout the year, including the Bordentown Street Fair and the Patriotic Concert Series. The town also has a number of art galleries, theaters, and music venues that showcase local talent and bring the community together.

In terms of dining and shopping, Bordentown has a diverse array of options. The town’s downtown area is filled with charming boutiques, antique shops, and specialty stores. Additionally, Bordentown is home to a wide range of restaurants and cafes offering everything from fine dining to casual fare.

Overall, Bordentown, New Jersey offers a unique blend of history, culture, and recreational opportunities that make it a special place to visit or call home. With its small-town charm and rich heritage, Bordentown is a hidden gem in New Jersey.

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