Boron Mold Removal


(330) 625-9432

Boron Mold Remediation

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Boron is a small, unincorporated community located in Kern County, California. It is situated in the western Mojave Desert, about 65 miles northwest of the city of Barstow. Boron is best known for its large open-pit mine, which is the largest open-pit mine in California and one of the largest borax mines in the world.

The town of Boron was founded in the early 20th century, and its economy has always been closely tied to the mining industry. The borax mine is owned and operated by Rio Tinto, a multinational mining and metals company. The mine produces a variety of boron products, including borax, colemanite, and other minerals that are used in a wide range of industrial and consumer products.

In addition to the mining industry, Boron is also home to a small population of residents who work in agriculture, transportation, and other service industries. The community is served by a small number of businesses, including a grocery store, gas stations, and a few restaurants.

Boron is also home to the Twenty Mule Team Museum, which is dedicated to the history of borax mining in the area. The museum features exhibits on the mining process, the history of the town, and the role of the famous twenty mule teams that were used to transport borax from the mines to the railroad in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

Despite its small size and remote location, Boron has a strong sense of community and a close-knit population. The town has a few public amenities, including a community center, a library, and a public park. Residents also have access to a local K-12 school, as well as medical services provided by a nearby clinic.

Overall, Boron is a unique and industrious community that plays an important role in the global mining industry. Its picturesque desert surroundings and rich mining history make it an intriguing destination for visitors looking to learn more about the area’s unique heritage.

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