Calcutta Mold Removal


(330) 625-9432

Calcutta Mold Remediation

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Calcutta is a charming little village located in the eastern part of Ohio, near the Pennsylvania border. With a population of just over 3,000 residents, Calcutta offers a small-town atmosphere with easy access to larger cities such as Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and Youngstown, Ohio. The village is named after the city of Calcutta in India, reflecting the community’s unique and diverse history.

Calcutta is perhaps best known for its commercial district, which features a wide variety of retail stores, restaurants, and services. The area along state route 170 is a popular shopping destination for both locals and visitors alike, with countless options for dining, entertainment, and retail therapy. Whether you’re in the mood for a casual meal, a quick snack, or a day of shopping, Calcutta has something for everyone.

In addition to its bustling commercial district, Calcutta also offers plenty of natural beauty and outdoor recreation opportunities. The village is surrounded by picturesque countryside, with rolling hills, lush forests, and scenic rivers. Outdoor enthusiasts will find no shortage of things to do, from hiking and biking to fishing and birdwatching. The nearby Beaver Creek State Park is a popular destination for camping, picnicking, and exploring the great outdoors.

Calcutta is also home to a tight-knit and friendly community, with a strong sense of local pride and tradition. The village hosts various events and festivals throughout the year, including holiday celebrations, craft fairs, and community gatherings. Residents and visitors alike enjoy the close-knit atmosphere and warm hospitality that Calcutta has to offer.

Overall, Calcutta, Ohio is a delightful destination that perfectly balances small-town charm with modern convenience. Whether you’re looking for a quiet weekend getaway, a day of shopping and dining, or an outdoor adventure, Calcutta has something for everyone. With its welcoming community, natural beauty, and vibrant commercial district, Calcutta is a hidden gem waiting to be discovered.

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