Cannon Air Force Base Mold Removal


(330) 625-9432

Cannon Air Force Base Mold Remediation

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Cannon Air Force Base is located in Curry County, New Mexico, just east of the city of Clovis. It is named after General John K. Cannon, a World War II flying ace who grew up in Clovis. The base serves as the home of the 27th Special Operations Wing, which is a unit of the Air Force Special Operations Command.

Originally established as an Army Air Corps training base in 1942, Cannon Air Force Base has a long and storied history. During World War II, it was used as a training facility for pilots and aircrews flying B-17 Flying Fortress and B-24 Liberator bombers. After the war, the base was placed on inactive status, but was reactivated in 1952 as a tactical fighter base. Over the years, it has been home to various fighter and bomber squadrons, and has also served as a training center for special operations forces.

Today, Cannon Air Force Base is a key part of the United States’ military infrastructure, and plays a vital role in supporting the nation’s defense and security objectives. The 27th Special Operations Wing is the primary unit stationed at the base, and it is responsible for training and equipping special operations forces for a variety of missions, including combat search and rescue, humanitarian assistance, and counterterrorism operations.

In addition to its military mission, Cannon Air Force Base is also an important part of the local community. The base is one of the largest employers in the area, and its personnel and their families contribute to the region’s economy and social fabric. The base also has a positive impact on the local economy through its contracts with local businesses and its support for community events and activities.

Overall, Cannon Air Force Base is a vital military installation with a rich history and a strong connection to the local community. Its role in training and equipping special operations forces makes it an important part of the nation’s defense capabilities, and its presence has a significant impact on the region in which it is located.

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