Carville Mold Removal


(330) 625-9432

Carville Mold Remediation

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Carville is a small, unincorporated community located in Iberville Parish, Louisiana. Situated just 20 miles south of Baton Rouge, Carville is best known for being the location of the Louisiana State University (LSU) Carville Nature Center and the Gillis W. Long Hansen’s Disease Center, also known as Carville Leprosarium.

The history of Carville dates back to the mid-19th century when the area was established as a plantation. In the early 20th century, the Gillis W. Long Hansen’s Disease Center was opened to treat those suffering from leprosy. The facility became well-known for its work in treating and researching the disease, and it was at the forefront of leprosy treatment in the United States for many years.

In addition to its medical facilities, Carville is also home to the LSU Carville Nature Center, which offers visitors the opportunity to explore the natural beauty of the area. The Nature Center is known for its walking trails, birdwatching opportunities, and educational programs about the local ecology and wildlife.

The community of Carville is small, with a population of just a few hundred people. Despite its size, Carville has a unique and storied history that has left a lasting impact on the state of Louisiana. The area’s rich cultural heritage and natural beauty make it a popular destination for those interested in history, medicine, and the great outdoors.

Although Carville is primarily known for its medical facilities, the area also offers a quiet and peaceful lifestyle for residents. The community is surrounded by picturesque landscapes and is just a short drive from the bustling city of Baton Rouge, making it an ideal place for those seeking a tranquil setting with easy access to urban amenities.

In conclusion, Carville, Louisiana, may be a small and relatively unknown community, but its historical significance and natural beauty make it a fascinating place to visit or call home. From its role in leprosy treatment to its serene natural surroundings, Carville has much to offer those who venture to this unique corner of the Bayou State.

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