Colon Mold Removal


(330) 625-9432

Colon Mold Remediation

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Colon is a small village located in St. Joseph County, Michigan. With a population of just over 1,000 people, it is a tight-knit community that is known for its quaint charm and friendly atmosphere. The village was founded in 1831 and is named after the Colon family, who were early settlers in the area.

One of the most notable features of Colon is its reputation as the “Magic Capital of the World.” The village has been a hub for magicians and magic enthusiasts for over 80 years, and it is home to the Abbott Magic Company, one of the oldest and most respected magic companies in the world. The annual Magic Get Together, held in August, attracts magicians from all over the world for a week of workshops, performances, and camaraderie. The event has put Colon on the map as a destination for magic lovers and has helped to solidify its status as the Magic Capital of the World.

In addition to its magical heritage, Colon is also known for its beautiful natural surroundings. The village is surrounded by rolling hills, picturesque farmland, and abundant wildlife, making it a great place for outdoor enthusiasts. There are several parks and nature reserves in the area where visitors can hike, fish, and birdwatch, and the nearby St. Joseph River provides opportunities for boating and other water activities.

Colon also has a rich history, with several historic buildings and landmarks that provide a glimpse into its past. The Colon Historical Museum is housed in a former one-room schoolhouse and features exhibits on the village’s early days, as well as displays on local agriculture, industry, and community life.

Overall, Colon is a charming and unique community with a rich history, a vibrant arts scene, and stunning natural beauty. Whether you’re interested in magic, history, or outdoor recreation, there’s something for everyone in this special village in the heart of Michigan.

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