Dodge Center Mold Removal


(330) 625-9432

Dodge Center Mold Remediation

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Dodge Center is a charming small town located in Dodge County, Minnesota. It has a population of around 2,800 residents and is known for its peaceful and close-knit community. The town is situated just 15 miles west of Rochester, making it a convenient location for those who work or study in the city.

One of the most distinctive features of Dodge Center is its rich history. The town was established in the late 1800s as a railroad community, and many of the original buildings and homes still stand today, adding to the town’s quaint and historic charm. Visitors can explore the Dodge County Historical Society to learn about the area’s past and the contributions of its early settlers.

Despite its small size, Dodge Center offers a variety of amenities and attractions for residents and visitors to enjoy. The town boasts a well-maintained park system, including a community pool, sports facilities, and playgrounds, making it an ideal place for families to spend quality time outdoors. Additionally, the town hosts an annual summer festival and county fair, featuring live music, food vendors, and carnival rides, providing entertainment for people of all ages.

Dodge Center also offers a range of dining and shopping options. Visitors can sample delicious home-cooked meals at local diners and cafes, or shop for unique gifts and goods at the town’s boutique stores and artisan shops. The town’s friendly atmosphere and welcoming locals create a warm and inviting environment for everyone who visits.

For those interested in outdoor activities, Dodge Center is surrounded by beautiful natural landscapes, including rolling hills, serene lakes, and scenic hiking trails. Outdoor enthusiasts can explore the nearby Sakatah Singing Hills State Trail, which offers miles of picturesque biking and walking paths.

Overall, Dodge Center is a delightful town with a rich history, friendly community, and plenty of recreational opportunities. Whether you’re passing through or considering making it your home, Dodge Center is a place that captures the essence of small-town charm and hospitality.

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