East Canton Mold Removal


(330) 625-9432

East Canton Mold Remediation

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East Canton is a small village located in Stark County, Ohio. With a population of just over 1,500 people, it is a close-knit community with a rich history and a strong sense of pride.

The village was founded in 1833 and was originally known as “Osnaburg.” It was named after a coarse linen fabric that was manufactured in the area. In 1853, the name was changed to East Canton, reflecting its location to the east of nearby Canton, Ohio.

One of the most significant landmarks in East Canton is the Foltz Community Center, which was originally built in 1904 as the East Canton High School. The building has since been renovated and now serves as a community center, hosting various events, activities, and classes for residents of all ages.

The village is also home to a number of small businesses, including locally-owned shops, restaurants, and service providers. Residents take great pride in supporting these small businesses and contributing to the local economy.

East Canton is known for its strong sense of community and its many annual events and traditions. The village hosts an annual Memorial Day parade and festival, as well as a Christmas parade and tree lighting ceremony. These events bring residents together and provide opportunities for neighbors to connect and socialize.

In addition to its community events, East Canton offers a number of recreational opportunities for residents and visitors. The village is situated near the picturesque Nimishillen Creek, which provides opportunities for fishing, canoeing, and hiking. The nearby Quail Hollow State Park also offers hiking trails, picnic areas, and a nature center, making it a popular destination for outdoor enthusiasts.

Overall, East Canton is a charming and tight-knit community with a strong sense of history and tradition. Its small size and welcoming atmosphere make it a popular place to live for those who value a sense of community and a connection to their neighbors.

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