Edgewater Mold Removal


(330) 625-9432

Edgewater Mold Remediation

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Edgewater is a small city located in Jefferson County, Colorado. It is situated just west of Denver, making it a convenient suburb for those who work in the city but prefer a quieter lifestyle.

The city is known for its stunning waterfront views, as it is located along the banks of Sloan’s Lake, one of the largest natural lakes in Denver. This provides residents with opportunities for outdoor activities such as fishing, boating, and picnicking. The lake is also surrounded by beautiful parks and walking paths, making it a popular destination for outdoor enthusiasts.

Edgewater boasts a charming and vibrant downtown area, with a variety of locally owned shops, restaurants, and cafes. The city has a strong sense of community, and residents often come together for events such as farmer’s markets, art fairs, and music festivals. The small-town atmosphere creates a tight-knit community where neighbors know each other and look out for one another.

The real estate in Edgewater consists of a mix of historic homes, modern condominiums, and newly built developments. The diverse housing options attract residents from all walks of life, from young professionals to families and retirees. The city’s convenient location and affordable housing make it an attractive place to settle down and raise a family.

For those who enjoy the outdoors, Edgewater is a paradise. In addition to Sloan’s Lake, the city is in close proximity to the Rocky Mountains, providing endless opportunities for hiking, camping, skiing, and other outdoor activities. The nearby Clear Creek offers opportunities for kayaking and tubing, while the Crown Hill Park and Wildlife Sanctuary provides a peaceful retreat for birdwatching and nature walks.

Overall, Edgewater is a hidden gem in the Denver area. Its picturesque waterfront views, strong sense of community, and proximity to outdoor activities make it an ideal place to live for those who value a balance between city convenience and natural beauty.

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