Edison Mold Removal


(330) 625-9432

Edison Mold Remediation

Got a mold problem? We can help!

Call: (330) 625-9432

We're available 24 hours to take your call, and we can be at your door in 30 minutes or less!

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Edison, New Jersey is a thriving township located in Middlesex County, in the central part of the state. With a population of over 100,000 residents, it is one of the most populous townships in New Jersey.

Originally known as Raritan Township, the township was renamed in 1954 after the famous inventor Thomas Edison, who had his famous invention and research laboratory in the area. Edison is known for being the “Birthplace of the Modern Age” due to the innovative work of Thomas Edison and his team. The township is home to the Thomas Edison Center at Menlo Park, which showcases the history and inventions of Thomas Edison. The center also features a museum and educational programs that celebrate the legacy of this great inventor.

Edison, New Jersey is a diverse and vibrant community that offers its residents a high quality of life. The township has a strong education system, with several public and private schools serving students from kindergarten through high school. In addition, the township is home to Middlesex County College, providing higher education opportunities for its residents.

The township also boasts a wide range of recreational facilities and parks, offering residents ample opportunities for outdoor activities and leisure. Edison is also known for its convenient location, with easy access to major highways such as Interstate 287 and the Garden State Parkway, making it an ideal place for commuters.

In addition, Edison is home to a thriving business community, with a mix of commercial, retail, and industrial development. The township is also home to the Raritan Center, one of the largest industrial parks on the East Coast, providing a significant economic contribution to the region.

Overall, Edison, New Jersey is a dynamic and growing community that offers its residents a great place to live, work, and play. With its rich history, diverse population, and strong economy, Edison continues to be a sought-after destination for families and businesses alike.

South Daytona, FL | Independence, WI | Gallatin, TN | Andersonville, MI | Dexter, ME | Bass River, NJ | Claquato, WA |