Ewing Mold Removal


(330) 625-9432

Ewing Mold Remediation

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Call: (330) 625-9432

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Ewing, New Jersey is a township located in Mercer County, in the central part of the state. It is a diverse and vibrant community with a population of approximately 36,000 residents. Ewing is known for its rich history, beautiful parks, and strong sense of community.

One of the most notable features of Ewing is the presence of The College of New Jersey, a highly regarded public institution that offers a wide range of academic programs and has a strong reputation for excellence in education. The college brings a youthful energy to the town, and its students contribute to the cultural and intellectual life of the community.

Ewing is also home to a number of beautiful parks and natural areas, including the 128-acre Mountain Lakes Nature Preserve, which offers hiking trails, fishing, and birdwatching opportunities. Additionally, the township is home to the historic William Green Farmhouse, built in 1757 and listed on the National Register of Historic Places, as well as the Benjamin Temple House, a historic home that has been restored to its original 18th-century condition.

The community of Ewing is also known for its strong sense of civic engagement and community involvement. The township government is active and responsive to the needs of its residents, and there are numerous community organizations and events that bring neighbors together. The Ewing Public Schools are dedicated to providing a high-quality education for students, and the township also offers a range of recreational and cultural activities for residents of all ages.

Ewing is conveniently located near major highways, including Interstate 95 and Interstate 295, which provide access to Philadelphia and New York City. The township is also served by the New Jersey Transit bus system, making it easy for residents to travel to surrounding areas.

In conclusion, Ewing, New Jersey is a diverse and welcoming community with a rich history, beautiful natural areas, and a strong sense of community. Its convenient location and strong educational institutions make it an attractive place to live for people of all ages.

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