Fort Bliss Mold Removal


(330) 625-9432

Fort Bliss Mold Remediation

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Fort Bliss is a United States Army post located in El Paso, Texas, near the border with Mexico. It is one of the largest military installations in the United States and is home to the 1st Armored Division, which is the premier armored division in the United States Army. With a history dating back to 1848, Fort Bliss has played a significant role in the defense of the United States and has a rich and storied past.

The post is named after Colonel William Wallace Smith Bliss, who was an influential figure in the early days of the United States Army. Fort Bliss was established during the Mexican-American War and has been an integral part of the defense of the United States ever since. It has been involved in numerous conflicts, including the Civil War, the Indian Wars, World War I, World War II, and the Gulf War.

Today, Fort Bliss is a modern military installation equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and infrastructure. It covers an area of over 1 million acres and is home to over 35,000 military personnel, making it one of the largest military posts in the country. The post is also home to the 1st Armored Division, which is a highly trained and capable force ready to deploy anywhere in the world at a moment’s notice.

Fort Bliss is also a major training center for the U.S. Army, offering a wide range of training and educational programs for both military personnel and civilians. The post is home to the U.S. Army Air Defense Artillery Center and the U.S. Army Sergeants Major Academy, as well as several other specialized training facilities.

In addition to its military capabilities, Fort Bliss is also an important part of the local community in El Paso. The post contributes significantly to the local economy and provides support and assistance to the surrounding area during times of need. It also hosts a variety of cultural and recreational events that are open to the public, such as concerts, festivals, and community outreach programs.

Overall, Fort Bliss is a vital part of the defense of the United States and an important part of the El Paso community. With its rich history and modern capabilities, it continues to play a crucial role in the security and well-being of the nation.

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