Fort Sumner Mold Removal


(330) 625-9432

Fort Sumner Mold Remediation

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Fort Sumner is a small, historic town located in De Baca County, New Mexico. It is best known for its association with the famous American outlaw, Billy the Kid, who was ultimately killed in the town.

The town was originally established as a military fort in 1862 during the Civil War. It was named after General Edwin Vose Sumner, a Union Army officer. The primary purpose of the fort was to protect settlers from attacks by Native American tribes, specifically the Apache and Navajo. The fort also served as a headquarters for military operations in the region.

After the Civil War, the fort was used as a base for various military campaigns against the Native American tribes. However, by the late 1800s, the fort was no longer needed and was ultimately abandoned. The site was later turned into a small settlement, which eventually developed into the town of Fort Sumner.

Today, Fort Sumner is a peaceful and scenic town with a rich history. One of the town’s main attractions is the Bosque Redondo Memorial, dedicated to the history of the Navajo and Mescalero Apache people who were forced to march to and live in internment camps near Fort Sumner in the 1860s known as the Long Walk. The memorial offers a glimpse into this dark period of American history and pays homage to the resilience and strength of the Native American people.

Another notable attraction in Fort Sumner is the Billy the Kid Museum. The museum is dedicated to the life and legend of the infamous outlaw, who was shot and killed in the town in 1881 by Sheriff Pat Garrett. The museum features artifacts and exhibits related to Billy the Kid, as well as other historical and cultural items from the area.

In addition to its historical attractions, Fort Sumner offers visitors the chance to explore the natural beauty of the surrounding area, including the nearby Fort Sumner Lake State Park, which offers opportunities for fishing, boating, and camping. The town also hosts various events and festivals throughout the year, celebrating its heritage and welcoming visitors from near and far.

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