Gladewater Mold Removal


(330) 625-9432

Gladewater Mold Remediation

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Gladewater, Texas is a charming small town located in Gregg and Upshur counties in the northeastern part of the state. Known as the “Antique Capital of East Texas,” Gladewater is a quaint and historic town with a lot to offer residents and visitors alike.

The town of Gladewater was established in the late 1800s as a hub for the East Line and Red River Railroad. The discovery of oil in the 1930s brought a boom to the town, and Gladewater quickly became a thriving oil town. Today, the town has retained much of its historic charm and is a popular destination for those seeking a glimpse into Texas’ past.

One of the main attractions in Gladewater is its thriving antique district. The town is home to numerous antique shops, where visitors can browse through a wide variety of unique and interesting treasures. From vintage furniture and clothing to rare collectibles and one-of-a-kind knick-knacks, there is something for every taste and interest in Gladewater’s antique shops.

In addition to its antique shops, Gladewater also boasts a number of charming boutiques, art galleries, and specialty stores. Visitors can spend hours wandering the streets, exploring the town’s many shops and taking in the unique atmosphere of this historic community.

Gladewater is also home to several annual events and festivals that draw visitors from near and far. The Gladewater Roundup Rodeo, celebrated in June, is a popular event that showcases the town’s proud western heritage. The East Texas Gusher Days festival, held in April, is another must-see event, featuring live music, food vendors, a parade, and much more.

For outdoor enthusiasts, the town is also near several beautiful lakes and parks, providing ample opportunities for fishing, boating, hiking, and camping.

With its small-town charm, historic atmosphere, and vibrant community, Gladewater, Texas is a hidden gem in the heart of East Texas. Whether you’re a history buff, antique lover, or outdoor enthusiast, Gladewater has something to offer everyone.

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