Glen Ellyn Mold Removal


(330) 625-9432

Glen Ellyn Mold Remediation

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Glen Ellyn, Illinois is a charming suburb located just 25 miles west of downtown Chicago. It is a picturesque town with tree-lined streets and a vibrant, tight-knit community. With a population of approximately 27,000 residents, Glen Ellyn offers a small-town feel while still providing easy access to the amenities and opportunities of a larger city.

One of the town’s most notable features is its beautiful downtown area, full of historic storefronts, locally-owned businesses, and an array of dining options. Glen Ellyn’s downtown is a hub of activity, with frequent community events, farmers’ markets, and festivals taking place throughout the year. Residents and visitors can also enjoy the town’s various parks and recreational facilities, including Lake Ellyn Park, which offers a scenic lake, walking trails, and a playground.

Glen Ellyn is also home to the College of DuPage, one of the largest community colleges in the United States. The college provides a range of educational and cultural opportunities for the community, including art exhibitions, theater productions, and continuing education classes.

The town has a strong commitment to education, with excellent public and private schools serving its residents. Glen Ellyn is part of the Glen Ellyn School District 41 and Glenbard Township High School District 87, which consistently rank as some of the top school districts in the state. The town also has a number of private and parochial schools, providing families with a variety of educational options.

In addition to its strong sense of community and excellent amenities, Glen Ellyn offers convenient access to transportation, with easy access to several major highways, as well as a commuter rail station providing direct access to downtown Chicago. The town’s location also makes it a gateway to outdoor recreation, with nearby forest preserves, golf courses, and the scenic Fox River Valley just a short drive away.

Overall, Glen Ellyn, Illinois offers a welcoming and vibrant community, an array of amenities, and a convenient location that appeals to residents and visitors alike.

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