Hartshorne Mold Removal


(330) 625-9432

Hartshorne Mold Remediation

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Hartshorne is a small town located in Pittsburg County, Oklahoma. With a population of around 2,100 people, it is a close-knit community known for its friendly locals and strong sense of community.

The town was founded in 1886 and was named after Dr. J. H. Hartshorne, a Pennsylvania physician and friend of the town’s founder, James L. Sohon. Hartshorne quickly became a hub for coal mining, attracting workers from all over the country. The town’s coal mining history is still evident today, with many of the town’s residents having ties to the industry.

Despite its small size, Hartshorne has a lot to offer its residents and visitors. The town has several parks and recreational facilities, making it a great place for outdoor activities. The nearby Robbers Cave State Park is a popular spot for hiking, camping, and rock climbing, attracting outdoor enthusiasts from all over the state.

Hartshorne is also home to several historical sites and landmarks, including the Krebs Heritage Museum, which showcases the town’s rich history and the impact of coal mining on the community. The historic downtown area is filled with charming shops and restaurants, offering a taste of small-town life in Oklahoma.

The town’s strong sense of community is evidenced in its many annual events and festivals. The Hartshorne Coal Festival is a popular event that celebrates the town’s coal mining heritage with live music, food vendors, and a parade. The festival is a great opportunity for residents to come together and celebrate their town’s history and culture.

Overall, Hartshorne, Oklahoma is a beautiful and welcoming town with a rich history and a strong sense of community. Whether you’re interested in outdoor activities, history, or simply want to experience small-town life in Oklahoma, Hartshorne is definitely worth a visit.

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