Hewitt Mold Removal


(330) 625-9432

Hewitt Mold Remediation

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Hewitt is a small village in West Milford, New Jersey, located in the northern part of the state. This charming village is rich in history and natural beauty, making it an ideal destination for those seeking a peaceful and picturesque escape from the hustle and bustle of city life.

Originally known as West Milford, the village was renamed Hewitt in 1918 in honor of Governor of New Jersey, Abram Hewitt. The area was first settled in the 18th century and has since maintained its small-town charm and character. Hewitt is known for its stunning natural landscapes, including the nearby Wawayanda State Park and Norvin Green State Forest, which offer a variety of outdoor activities such as hiking, biking, fishing, and bird-watching.

In addition to its natural beauty, Hewitt boasts a rich history, with several historic buildings and landmarks to explore. The Hewitt Highlands Historic District, for example, is home to several 18th and 19th-century buildings, including the Hewitt General Store, which has been in operation since 1889. The area is also home to the Long Pond Ironworks State Park, a historic site that offers a glimpse into the village’s industrial past.

Despite its small size, Hewitt offers a variety of amenities for residents and visitors, including a handful of local shops, restaurants, and businesses. The village’s charming downtown area is the perfect place to enjoy a leisurely stroll and soak up the local atmosphere.

Hewitt is also well connected to the larger cities in the region, with easy access to major highways and public transportation options. This makes it a convenient base for those looking to explore the surrounding area, including the nearby attractions such as the Appalachian Trail and the historic town of Warwick, New York.

Overall, Hewitt, New Jersey, is a hidden gem that offers a perfect blend of natural beauty, history, and small-town charm. Whether you’re looking for outdoor adventure, cultural exploration, or simply a peaceful retreat, Hewitt has something to offer for everyone.

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