Hopkinton Mold Removal


(330) 625-9432

Hopkinton Mold Remediation

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Hopkinton, Massachusetts is a charming New England town located in Middlesex County, about 25 miles west of Boston. With a population of around 16,000 people, Hopkinton offers residents a suburban feel while still being close to the bustling city.

One of the most well-known features of Hopkinton is its natural beauty. The town is home to several scenic lakes, including Lake Maspenock and Lake Whitehall, offering opportunities for boating, fishing, and other water activities. Additionally, there are several parks and recreation areas, such as the Hopkinton State Park and the EMC Park, where residents can enjoy hiking, picnicking, and sports.

For outdoor enthusiasts, the town also boasts a portion of the 27-mile long Upper Charles Trail, which is perfect for hiking, biking, and even cross-country skiing in the winter months. The trail passes through several picturesque landscapes, including wetlands, woodlands, and historic sites.

Hopkinton is also known as the starting point for the famous Boston Marathon, which begins in the town center each year on Patriots’ Day. The marathon brings thousands of visitors to Hopkinton, with participants from all over the world coming to run the challenging course.

In addition to its natural beauty and historical significance, Hopkinton also has a vibrant community with a variety of events and activities throughout the year. The town hosts an annual summer concert series, as well as a farmer’s market, and other seasonal celebrations.

The school system in Hopkinton is highly regarded, with top-rated public schools that offer students a high-quality education. The town also has a strong sense of community, with numerous local organizations and clubs that provide opportunities for residents to get involved and connect with one another.

Overall, Hopkinton, Massachusetts is a wonderful place to live, offering a perfect blend of small-town charm, natural beauty, and a close-knit community, all within easy reach of the amenities and opportunities of the nearby city of Boston.

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