Kilgore Mold Removal


(330) 625-9432

Kilgore Mold Remediation

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Kilgore is a small city located in Gregg County, Texas. With a population of just over 14,000 people, Kilgore is known for its rich history and strong sense of community. The city is a part of the Longview metropolitan area and is situated in the eastern part of the state, approximately 120 miles east of Dallas.

One of the most notable aspects of Kilgore is its history in the oil industry. The city was once a booming oil town, and its economy was heavily dependent on the production of oil. Today, Kilgore still pays homage to its oil heritage through various attractions and events. The East Texas Oil Museum, located on the campus of Kilgore College, offers visitors a glimpse into the early days of the Texas oil boom and the impact it had on the region. Additionally, the annual “World’s Richest Acre” festival celebrates Kilgore’s oil history with live music, a car show, and other family-friendly activities.

In addition to its oil industry roots, Kilgore is also known for its vibrant arts and culture scene. The city is home to the Texas Shakespeare Festival, which brings professional theater productions to the area each summer. The festival attracts both locals and visitors from across the state, adding to the cultural enrichment of the city.

Kilgore is also a hub for higher education, with Kilgore College being a prominent institution in the area. The college offers a wide range of academic programs and has a strong presence in the community through its various cultural and athletic events.

The residents of Kilgore are proud of their city and work hard to maintain its small-town charm and welcoming atmosphere. The city hosts a variety of community events throughout the year, including parades, fairs, and farmers’ markets, bringing people together to celebrate the local culture and heritage.

Overall, Kilgore is a city with a rich history, a strong sense of community, and a vibrant cultural scene, making it a great place to live and visit in East Texas.

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