Lemoyne Mold Removal


(330) 625-9432

Lemoyne Mold Remediation

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Lemoyne, Pennsylvania is a small borough situated in Cumberland County along the west bank of the Susquehanna River. As of the 2020 census, it has a population of approximately 4,491 residents. The town is part of the Harrisburg-Carlisle Metropolitan Statistical Area and is located just across the river from the state capital of Harrisburg.

Lemoyne has a rich and diverse history, with its origins dating back to the early 19th century. Originally settled as a residential suburb for Harrisburg, the town has undergone significant development and growth over the years. Today, Lemoyne is a thriving community with a mix of historic homes, modern apartments, and commercial establishments.

One of the most notable features of Lemoyne is its charming downtown area, which is lined with a variety of shops, restaurants, and businesses. The town has a vibrant and walkable downtown, making it a popular destination for residents and visitors alike. The annual Art on the Avenue event, which showcases the work of local artists and craftsmen, draws in crowds from all over the region.

Lemoyne also boasts several parks and recreational facilities, including Negley Park, which offers stunning views of the river and opportunities for outdoor activities such as hiking, picnicking, and birdwatching. The borough is also home to the entrance of the Cumberland Valley Rail Trail, a popular path for walking, running, and biking.

In addition to its amenities and attractions, Lemoyne is known for its strong sense of community and civic engagement. The town hosts various events and activities throughout the year, including parades, festivals, and fundraisers. The Lemoyne Borough Council actively seeks input from residents and encourages community involvement in decision-making processes.

Overall, Lemoyne, Pennsylvania is a welcoming and lively borough with a rich history, diverse amenities, and a strong sense of community. Whether you’re strolling through downtown, enjoying the scenic river views, or participating in community events, there’s something for everyone to appreciate in this charming town.

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