Lewiston Mold Removal


(330) 625-9432

Lewiston Mold Remediation

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Lewiston, Michigan is a charming small town located in Montmorency County. Situated in the northern part of the state, Lewiston is surrounded by natural beauty, making it a popular destination for outdoor enthusiasts and nature lovers. The town is home to just over 1,000 residents, giving it a close-knit and welcoming community feel.

One of the main attractions in Lewiston is the beautiful and serene East Twin Lake. This 830-acre lake is a popular spot for fishing, boating, and relaxing by the water. The lake is surrounded by lush forests, providing a picturesque backdrop for outdoor activities. In the winter, the lake and surrounding area become a hub for snowmobiling and ice fishing.

For those interested in golf, Lewiston offers several top-notch golf courses, including the Garland Resort and the Fountains Golf Course. These courses provide challenging holes and stunning views, making them a must-visit for any golf enthusiast.

Lewiston is also known for its proximity to the Huron National Forest, which spans over 400,000 acres. The forest offers a wide range of outdoor activities, including hiking, mountain biking, and wildlife viewing. In the fall, the forest comes alive with vibrant foliage, making it a popular spot for leaf-peeping.

In addition to its natural attractions, Lewiston is home to a number of restaurants, shops, and local businesses. Visitors can enjoy a meal at a cozy diner or cafe, or browse unique shops for souvenirs and locally made goods.

Throughout the year, Lewiston hosts a variety of community events and festivals, including the Lewiston Lumberjack Festival and the Tip-up-Town USA ice fishing festival. These events bring the community together and provide a fun and festive atmosphere for visitors.

Overall, Lewiston, Michigan is a delightful town with a strong sense of community and an abundance of natural beauty. Whether you’re looking to relax by the lake, explore the great outdoors, or simply enjoy small-town charm, Lewiston has something to offer for everyone.

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