Little Rock Air Force Base Mold Removal


(330) 625-9432

Little Rock Air Force Base Mold Remediation

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Little Rock Air Force Base (LRAFB) is a United States Air Force base located in Jacksonville, Arkansas. It is the home of the 19th Airlift Wing, which is responsible for providing a wide range of global airlift capabilities to support military operations worldwide. The base is also home to the 189th Airlift Wing of the Arkansas Air National Guard, which provides support for both state and federal missions.

The history of Little Rock Air Force Base dates back to its establishment in 1955, when it was known as the Little Rock Air Force Base-Adams Field. Since then, the base has played a crucial role in supporting military operations and providing training for pilots, aircrew, and maintenance personnel. It is also a key hub for the C-130 Hercules aircraft, which are used for tactical airlift and airdrop missions.

One of the most notable aspects of Little Rock Air Force Base is its training mission. The base is home to the 314th Airlift Wing, which is responsible for conducting initial and advanced training for C-130 aircrew members. The 314th Airlift Wing operates a fleet of training aircraft, including the C-130H and C-130J models, and provides a comprehensive training program for pilots, navigators, loadmasters, and maintenance personnel.

In addition to its training mission, Little Rock Air Force Base is also actively involved in supporting humanitarian and disaster relief operations. The base has a long history of providing airlift support for humanitarian missions both domestically and internationally. In times of crisis, the base has played a crucial role in delivering supplies, equipment, and personnel to areas affected by natural disasters or other emergencies.

Overall, Little Rock Air Force Base plays a vital role in supporting the global mission of the United States Air Force. Its strategic location, comprehensive training capabilities, and outstanding support for humanitarian operations make it a key asset for the Air Force and a valuable member of the military community.

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