Mannington Mold Removal


(330) 625-9432

Mannington Mold Remediation

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Mannington is a small city located in the northern part of West Virginia, in Marion County. With a population of just over 2,000 residents, Mannington is a tight-knit community with a rich history and a strong sense of pride.

Originally settled in the late 1700s, Mannington has a long and storied history. The city was officially incorporated in 1856 and quickly became a hub for the coal mining and natural gas industries in the region. Today, these industries are still an integral part of Mannington’s economy, providing jobs and stability for many of its residents.

Despite its small size, Mannington has a lot to offer. The city is home to several parks and outdoor recreational areas, including the scenic Buffalo Creek and the peaceful Prickett’s Fort State Park. These natural spaces provide opportunities for hiking, fishing, and picnicking, making Mannington an ideal destination for outdoor enthusiasts.

Mannington also has a strong sense of community, with several annual events and festivals that bring residents together. The Mannington District Fair, held every summer, features carnival rides, live entertainment, and agricultural exhibits, drawing visitors from all over the region. The city also hosts a Christmas parade and other holiday events, creating a festive atmosphere for both residents and visitors alike.

In addition to its natural beauty and community events, Mannington boasts a number of historic landmarks and attractions. The historic downtown area is home to several well-preserved buildings that date back to the city’s early years, offering a glimpse into Mannington’s past. The Mannington Historic District, listed on the National Register of Historic Places, features a variety of architectural styles and structures that reflect the city’s rich heritage.

Overall, Mannington, West Virginia, is a charming and vibrant community with a deep connection to its history and natural surroundings. Whether you’re interested in exploring the outdoors, experiencing local events, or learning about the city’s past, Mannington has something to offer for everyone.

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