Manville Mold Removal


(330) 625-9432

Manville Mold Remediation

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Manville, New Jersey is a small borough located in Somerset County. It is a quaint and charming town that is rich in history and community spirit. With a population of around 10,000 residents, Manville offers a close-knit and friendly atmosphere that makes it a great place to call home.

One of the most notable aspects of Manville is its strong sense of community. Residents of the town take great pride in their borough and work hard to preserve its history and promote a sense of togetherness. There are many community events and activities throughout the year that bring residents together, such as the annual Manville Street Fair and the Manville Arts Council’s events. The borough also boasts a number of community organizations and clubs, ranging from sports leagues to cultural and educational groups. This tight-knit community creates a sense of belonging and camaraderie among its residents.

Manville also offers a variety of recreational opportunities for its residents. The borough has several parks and outdoor spaces, such as Lost Valley and Crim Park, where residents can enjoy nature and participate in outdoor activities. Additionally, the Raritan River runs through the town, providing opportunities for fishing, boating, and other water-based activities.

In terms of education, Manville is served by the Manville School District, which includes a pre-kindergarten through twelfth-grade system. The district is dedicated to providing a high-quality education for its students and offers a range of extracurricular activities and programs to enhance their learning experience.

For those interested in history, Manville has a rich industrial past that can still be seen in the town today. The borough was once home to several major manufacturing companies, including Johns-Manville Corporation, which produced asbestos products. While the industry has since declined, the town still retains elements of its industrial heritage.

Overall, Manville, New Jersey is a charming and welcoming town that offers a strong sense of community, ample recreational opportunities, and a rich history. Its small-town charm and friendly atmosphere make it a great place to live and visit.

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