Marietta Mold Removal


(330) 625-9432

Marietta Mold Remediation

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Marietta, Ohio, is a charming and historic city located in the southeastern part of the state, along the banks of the Ohio and Muskingum Rivers. With a population of around 14,000 people, Marietta is known for its scenic beauty, rich history, and diverse array of attractions and activities.

One of the most striking features of Marietta is its beautifully preserved historic downtown area. Lined with grand old buildings and cobblestone streets, this part of the city is a delight to explore on foot. Visitors can take in the sights of the National Register District, which includes stunning examples of 19th and early 20th-century architecture. The city is also home to the Campus Martius Museum, the Ohio River Museum, and the Castle Historic House Museum, all of which offer fascinating insights into the region’s past.

For outdoor enthusiasts, Marietta offers plenty of opportunities to enjoy natural beauty. The nearby Wayne National Forest is a popular spot for hiking, bird-watching, and wildlife spotting. The Muskingum River Parkway State Park and the Marietta Harbor are also great places for boating, fishing, and picnicking.

In addition to its historic and natural attractions, Marietta also has a thriving arts and culture scene. The city is home to several art galleries, theaters, and performance spaces, as well as the annual Riverfront Roar, a powerboat racing event that draws visitors from across the region.

Marietta also hosts a number of annual events and festivals, including the Ohio River Sternwheel Festival and the Marietta Sweet Corn Festival, which showcase the city’s vibrant community spirit and friendly atmosphere.

With its rich history, stunning architecture, and picturesque natural surroundings, Marietta, Ohio, is a fantastic destination for visitors of all ages. Whether you’re interested in exploring the past, enjoying outdoor activities, or simply soaking up the small-town charm, Marietta has something to offer everyone.

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