Marine Corps Base Hawaii – MCBH Mold Removal


(330) 625-9432

Marine Corps Base Hawaii – MCBH Mold Remediation

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Marine Corps Base Hawaii (MCBH) is a United States Marine Corps installation located on the island of Oahu in the state of Hawaii. It is a major training and operational center for the Marines in the Pacific region, as well as a hub for military operations in the Asia-Pacific region.

MCBH covers approximately 4,830 acres and is home to over 20,000 military and civilian personnel, making it one of the largest Marine Corps bases in the world. The base is situated on the windward side of Oahu, near the towns of Kaneohe and Kailua, and offers its personnel and their families stunning views of the Pacific Ocean and the surrounding mountains.

The base is home to several units and commands, including the 3rd Marine Regiment, Marine Aircraft Group 24, and the 1st Battalion, 12th Marines. MCBH also hosts a number of tenant commands, including the Marine Corps Warfighting Laboratory, Marine Corps Security Force Battalion, and the Fleet Logistics Support Squadron 51.

In addition to its operational capabilities, MCBH is also a key training facility for the Marine Corps. It features state-of-the-art training facilities, including ranges for live-fire exercises, airfields for aviation training, and simulation centers for virtual exercises. The base also hosts regular joint training exercises with other branches of the military, as well as with international allies.

The geographical location of MCBH in the Pacific region makes it a strategic asset for the United States military. It provides a forward operating base for Marine Corps units in the region and allows for rapid deployment and response to potential threats. The base also serves as a vital hub for humanitarian assistance and disaster relief missions in the Pacific.

For Marines and their families stationed at MCBH, the base offers a high quality of life with a variety of amenities and support services. There are schools, recreational facilities, and housing options available, as well as access to the natural beauty and outdoor activities that Hawaii has to offer.

Overall, Marine Corps Base Hawaii plays a crucial role in the military’s presence in the Pacific region and provides essential support for the nation’s defense and security interests.

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