McConnell AFB Mold Removal


(330) 625-9432

McConnell AFB Mold Remediation

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McConnell Air Force Base (AFB) is a United States Air Force base located in Wichita, Kansas. The base is named in honor of brothers Fred and Tom McConnell, both aviators and World War II veterans who perished in 1943 when their B-24 Liberator crashed in the Mediterranean Sea.

McConnell AFB is home to the 22nd Air Refueling Wing, which provides air refueling and airlift support to U.S. and allied forces around the world. The base also hosts the Kansas Air National Guard’s 184th Intelligence Wing, as well as several other tenant units and organizations.

The 22nd Air Refueling Wing’s primary mission is to provide global reach by conducting air refueling and airlift operations. The wing operates a fleet of KC-135 Stratotanker aircraft, which are used to refuel other military aircraft in mid-flight, extending their range and endurance. In addition to its refueling mission, the wing also provides support for aeromedical evacuation operations, transporting injured or wounded service members to medical facilities for treatment.

The 184th Intelligence Wing of the Kansas Air National Guard specializes in intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) operations. The unit utilizes advanced technology and highly trained personnel to collect and analyze information from a variety of sources, providing vital intelligence to military commanders and decision-makers.

In addition to its operational units, McConnell AFB is also home to various support and sustainment functions, including aircraft maintenance, logistics, personnel services, and medical facilities. The base plays a critical role in supporting the readiness and effectiveness of U.S. and allied forces, both in peacetime and during contingency operations.

McConnell AFB has a significant economic impact on the local community, providing jobs and opportunities for businesses in the Wichita area. The base also supports numerous community outreach initiatives and partnerships, strengthening the bond between the military and the civilian population.

Overall, McConnell AFB is a vital and dynamic military installation, contributing to national defense and global security while also making a positive impact on the Wichita community.

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