Metlakatla Mold Removal


(330) 625-9432

Metlakatla Mold Remediation

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Metlakatla is a small, close-knit community located in the southeastern part of Alaska, near the Canadian border. The town is situated on the Annette Island, which is the only reservation in the state and is home to the Tsimshian people. Metlakatla is a unique and culturally rich place with a population of around 1,400 residents.

The Tsimshian people have a long and rich history in the region, and their traditional culture and customs are still very much alive in Metlakatla today. The town is known for its vibrant arts and crafts scene, with many residents practicing traditional Tsimshian art forms such as woodcarving, basket weaving, and beading. The town also hosts regular cultural events and festivals, where visitors can experience Tsimshian music, dance, and storytelling.

One of the most charming aspects of Metlakatla is its natural beauty. The town is surrounded by stunning wilderness, including lush forests, rugged mountains, and pristine coastline. Outdoor enthusiasts will find plenty of opportunities for hiking, fishing, kayaking, and wildlife watching in the area. The nearby waters are also popular for boating and whale watching, making it a paradise for nature lovers.

Despite its small size, Metlakatla offers a surprising range of amenities and services. The town has a grocery store, a post office, a few restaurants, and a handful of small shops. There are also public facilities such as a community center, library, and schools. For medical care, residents can visit the local clinic or travel to nearby Ketchikan, which is just a short ferry ride away.

Overall, Metlakatla is a peaceful and welcoming place that offers a unique glimpse into Alaska’s native culture and natural beauty. Visitors who are looking for an authentic and off-the-beaten-path experience will find plenty to love about this charming Tsimshian town.

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