Midland Mold Removal


(330) 625-9432

Midland Mold Remediation

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Midland is a small, unincorporated community located in Pierce County, Washington. It is situated in the eastern part of the county, just south of the city of Tacoma. With a population of around 7,000 residents, Midland is a close-knit community with a strong sense of local pride.

One of the defining features of Midland is its beautiful natural surroundings. The community is bordered by the Puyallup River to the west, providing residents with access to scenic waterfront views and recreational activities such as fishing and boating. In addition, the area is surrounded by lush greenery and wooded areas, making it a picturesque place to live and explore.

Despite its small size, Midland is a vibrant and lively community with a rich history. The area was originally settled by pioneers in the late 19th century, and many of the original buildings and landmarks still stand today, providing a glimpse into the community’s past. Midland is also home to a number of local businesses and restaurants, giving residents easy access to everyday conveniences without having to travel far from home.

The community of Midland is known for its strong sense of community spirit, with residents actively participating in local events and initiatives. The Midland Community Association plays a key role in organizing and promoting community events, such as festivals, parades, and fundraisers, creating a strong sense of camaraderie among residents.

Midland also benefits from its close proximity to the city of Tacoma. Residents can easily access the city’s amenities, including shopping, dining, and entertainment options. Additionally, Tacoma is home to a number of employment opportunities and educational institutions, making it a convenient location for those looking to work or study in the area.

In conclusion, Midland, Washington is a charming and scenic community with a strong sense of local pride and community spirit. With its beautiful natural surroundings and close proximity to the city of Tacoma, Midland offers residents the best of both worlds – a peaceful and picturesque setting with easy access to urban amenities.

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