Montgomery Mold Removal


(330) 625-9432

Montgomery Mold Remediation

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Montgomery is a picturesque town located in northern Vermont, with a population of around 1,200 people. The town is nestled in the Green Mountains and offers breathtaking views of the surrounding countryside, making it a popular destination for outdoor enthusiasts and nature lovers.

One of the town’s main attractions is the Jay Peak Resort, located just a few miles away. The resort offers world-class skiing and snowboarding in the winter, as well as a variety of outdoor activities such as hiking, golfing, and mountain biking in the summer. Additionally, the resort features a water park, spa, and an indoor ice rink, making it a year-round destination for visitors.

Montgomery is also known for its historic covered bridges, including the Creamery Bridge and the Hutchins Covered Bridge. These charming old structures add to the town’s rustic charm and provide excellent photo opportunities for visitors.

In the center of town, visitors will find a quaint village green surrounded by historic buildings, including the Montgomery Historical Society’s museum. Here, visitors can learn about the town’s history, including its ties to the Underground Railroad, as well as view artifacts and exhibits from the area’s past.

For outdoor enthusiasts, Montgomery offers a wide variety of activities, including hiking, fishing, and wildlife watching. The area is home to numerous trails that wind through the forests and meadows, providing opportunities to spot wildlife such as deer, moose, and birds.

Montgomery also hosts several annual events and festivals, including the Montgomery Summer Arts Festival and the Montgomery Fall Foliage Festival. These events showcase local artisans, musicians, and businesses, and provide a great opportunity for visitors to experience the town’s vibrant community spirit.

Overall, Montgomery, Vermont is a charming and welcoming town that offers a wide range of outdoor activities, historical attractions, and community events. Whether you’re visiting for a weekend getaway or looking to put down roots, Montgomery has something to offer for everyone.

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