Moon Mold Removal


(330) 625-9432

Moon Mold Remediation

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Moon Township is a charming suburb located in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. With a population of approximately 24,000 residents, Moon Township offers a perfect blend of small town charm and modern amenities. The location of Moon Township, just 12 miles west of Pittsburgh, provides residents with easy access to the bustling city while enjoying a peaceful suburban lifestyle.

The history of Moon Township dates back to the late 1700s when it was settled by pioneers looking to establish a new home in the wild frontier. The township earned its name from its first settler, John Moore, who purchased a large tract of land and named it “Moore’s Place,” which later became “Moon Township” due to a spelling error. Today, the township pays homage to its rich history through various heritage sites and landmarks, including the historic John Shaw House and Frank Gustine House.

Moon Township is known for its strong sense of community and numerous recreational activities. Residents and visitors can enjoy outdoor activities at the expansive Moon Park, which offers walking trails, picnic areas, and sports fields. The Robert Morris University Island Sports Center also provides opportunities for ice skating, hockey, and other indoor sports. The township is also home to the Moon Golf Club, a popular destination for golf enthusiasts.

In addition to its recreational offerings, Moon Township boasts a thriving commercial district with a variety of shopping and dining options. The Mall at Robinson, a premier shopping destination, is just a short drive away and offers a wide range of retail stores and restaurants. The township also hosts a number of community events and festivals throughout the year, bringing residents together for fun and entertainment.

The educational needs of the community are well-served by the Moon Area School District, which provides a high-quality education to students from kindergarten through twelfth grade. The district is known for its strong academic programs and extracurricular activities, ensuring that students receive a well-rounded education.

Overall, Moon Township is a welcoming community that offers a high quality of life for its residents. With its rich history, strong sense of community, and modern amenities, it’s no wonder that Moon Township is a sought-after place to call home.

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