Needham Mold Removal


(330) 625-9432

Needham Mold Remediation

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Needham is a town located in Norfolk County, Massachusetts, just 10 miles southwest of downtown Boston. With a population of around 30,000 residents, it offers a unique blend of suburban charm and urban convenience.

The town is known for its excellent school system, with highly-rated public schools and top-notch private schools. Needham High School consistently ranks among the best in the state, and the community places a great emphasis on providing quality education for its youth.

There are several beautiful parks and open spaces in Needham, including the 600-acre Cutler Park Reservation, which offers hiking trails, wildlife viewing, and canoeing opportunities. Additionally, the Rosemary Pool Complex and the newly renovated Needham Golf Club provide residents with recreational activities for all ages.

Needham has a vibrant downtown area with a variety of shops, restaurants, and businesses. The town is also home to the historic Charles River Peninsula, which features a 7-acre park that offers stunning views of the Charles River and the surrounding area.

In terms of transportation, Needham is served by the MBTA commuter rail, providing easy access to downtown Boston. The town is also located near major highways, making it a convenient location for those who work in and around the city.

Needham has a rich history, as evidenced by its well-preserved historic buildings and landmarks. The Needham History Center and Museum provides a fascinating look into the town’s past, offering exhibits and educational programs for visitors of all ages.

The community in Needham is known for its strong sense of civic engagement and community pride. The town hosts numerous events and festivals throughout the year, bringing residents together for celebrations and activities.

Overall, Needham, Massachusetts is a welcoming and vibrant town with a strong sense of community, excellent schools, and a variety of amenities that make it a great place to live and visit.

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