New Century, KS Mold Removal


(330) 625-9432

New Century, KS Mold Remediation

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New Century, Kansas, is a small town located in Johnson County, Kansas. The town was established in the year 2001 and has since grown to become a peaceful and serene community for its residents. With a population of just over 750 residents, New Century offers a tight-knit and neighborly atmosphere for all who live there.

One of the most appealing aspects of New Century is its proximity to the Kansas City metropolitan area. Just a short drive away, residents can enjoy the hustle and bustle of the city while still being able to retreat to the quiet comfort of their small town. This makes New Century an ideal location for those who wish to enjoy the benefits of both city and town life.

One of the main attractions in New Century is the New Century AirCenter, which was formerly known as the Olathe Naval Air Station. The AirCenter is now a mixed-use facility that includes a general aviation airport, as well as industrial and office space. It serves as an important transportation hub for the region and provides numerous job opportunities for the residents of New Century.

In addition to the AirCenter, New Century is also home to numerous parks and recreational facilities. The town offers ample opportunities for outdoor activities such as hiking, biking, and picnicking. Residents can also take advantage of the nearby Hillsdale Lake, which offers opportunities for fishing, boating, and other water-based activities.

The town’s education system is provided by the Olathe School District, which offers high-quality education for children of all ages. The district is committed to providing a well-rounded education that prepares students for the challenges of the future.

Overall, New Century, Kansas, offers a charming and peaceful environment for its residents. With its small-town atmosphere, proximity to the city, and numerous recreational opportunities, it is a wonderful place to call home. Whether you are looking to start a family or to retire in a quiet community, New Century has something to offer for everyone.

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