Ocean Acres Mold Removal


(330) 625-9432

Ocean Acres Mold Remediation

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Ocean Acres is a charming residential community located in Stafford Township, New Jersey. Situated just a few miles from the Atlantic Ocean, this neighborhood offers its residents the perfect combination of suburban living and coastal charm.

One of the most appealing aspects of Ocean Acres is its proximity to beautiful beaches and scenic natural areas. Long Beach Island is just a short drive away, providing residents with easy access to sun, sand, and surf. The Barnegat Bay and its many marinas and waterfront restaurants are also just a stone’s throw from Ocean Acres.

In addition to its beachside location, Ocean Acres boasts a variety of amenities and attractions for its residents. The neighborhood is home to many parks, playgrounds, and recreational facilities, making it a great place for families and outdoor enthusiasts. The Ocean Acres Country Club offers golfing opportunities for those who are passionate about the sport. The Stafford Township Arts Center hosts a variety of cultural events and performances, providing entertainment options for residents of all ages.

The area is also known for its excellent schools, making it a popular choice for families with children. The township is served by the Southern Regional School District, which includes a high school, middle school, and multiple elementary schools.

The housing options in Ocean Acres are diverse, ranging from single-family homes to townhouses and condominiums. Many properties feature spacious yards and beautiful landscaping, creating a peaceful and welcoming atmosphere throughout the neighborhood. The real estate market in Ocean Acres is also quite affordable compared to other coastal areas, making it an attractive option for first-time homebuyers and those looking to downsize.

Overall, Ocean Acres, New Jersey offers a laid-back and picturesque lifestyle with a strong sense of community. Its combination of proximity to the beach, ample amenities, and affordable housing options make it a desirable place to call home for individuals and families alike.

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