Old Brookville Mold Removal


(330) 625-9432

Old Brookville Mold Remediation

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Old Brookville is a picturesque village located on the North Shore of Long Island, New York. It is a part of the town of Oyster Bay and is known for its affluent community, beautiful estates, and peaceful surroundings. With its tree-lined streets, historic homes, and scenic landscapes, Old Brookville offers a tranquil and idyllic setting for residents and visitors alike.

The history of Old Brookville dates back to the 17th century when it was first settled by English colonists. The area was primarily agricultural, with farms and estates dominating the landscape. Today, many of the original estates have been preserved, offering a glimpse into the village’s rich history and heritage.

One of the most iconic landmarks in Old Brookville is the Planting Fields Arboretum State Historic Park. This 409-acre estate features a beautiful mansion, extensive gardens, and walking trails, making it a popular destination for nature lovers and history enthusiasts. The arboretum hosts various events throughout the year, including concerts, garden tours, and educational programs, making it a vibrant hub of activity within the community.

Old Brookville is also home to the HorseAbility Therapeutic Riding Program, which provides therapeutic horseback riding and equine-assisted activities for individuals with special needs. This organization plays a vital role in the community, offering valuable services and support to those in need.

In addition to its natural beauty and historical significance, Old Brookville boasts a strong sense of community and a commitment to preserving its rural charm. The village is dedicated to maintaining its open spaces and protecting its natural resources, ensuring that it remains a peaceful and scenic place to live and visit.

Overall, Old Brookville embodies the perfect blend of history, natural beauty, and community spirit. Its charming atmosphere and rich heritage make it a truly special place within the Long Island region. Whether exploring the historic estates, strolling through the arboretum, or participating in community events, visitors to Old Brookville are sure to be captivated by its timeless appeal.

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