Ontario Mold Removal


(330) 625-9432

Ontario Mold Remediation

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Ontario is a city located in Malheur County, in the eastern part of the state of Oregon. It is situated along the Snake River, near the border with the state of Idaho. With a population of around 11,000, Ontario is the largest city in Malheur County and serves as an important hub for the surrounding agricultural region.

The city was founded in the 1880s as a railway town, and its economy has long been tied to the railroad and agriculture. Ontario is known for its fertile farmland, which supports a variety of crops including potatoes, sugar beets, onions, and mint. The region is also home to a number of dairy farms, and agriculture remains a major driver of the local economy.

In addition to agriculture, Ontario has a diverse economy with a mix of manufacturing, distribution, and retail businesses. The city is home to several industrial parks and is a key transportation and logistics center for the region. Ontario is also a popular shopping destination for residents of neighboring Idaho, thanks to its relatively low sales tax rate.

Ontario has a strong sense of community, with a lively downtown area featuring a mix of historic buildings, shops, and restaurants. The city hosts a number of annual events and festivals, including the Malheur County Fair and the Four Rivers Cultural Center’s annual celebration of the region’s diverse cultural heritage.

Outdoor recreation opportunities abound in the Ontario area, with the Snake River providing a range of activities including boating, fishing, and birdwatching. The nearby Owyhee Mountains offer opportunities for hiking, camping, and wildlife viewing, and there are several scenic drives in the area that showcase the region’s natural beauty.

Overall, Ontario offers a high quality of life, with a relatively low cost of living, a strong sense of community, and ample recreational opportunities. With its thriving agricultural economy, diverse business environment, and beautiful natural surroundings, Ontario, Oregon is an appealing place to live, work, and visit.

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