Oxford Mold Removal


(330) 625-9432

Oxford Mold Remediation

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Oxford is a small town located in Chenango County, New York. It is a quaint and charming community that is known for its rich history, scenic beauty, and friendly residents. With a population of just over 3,500 people, Oxford is a close-knit and tight community where everyone knows each other.

The town of Oxford was first settled in the late 1700s and was officially incorporated in 1794. Throughout its history, Oxford has been a thriving agricultural community, with dairy farming being a major industry in the area. Today, the town is still surrounded by picturesque farmland and rolling hills, making it a serene and peaceful place to live or visit.

One of the most iconic landmarks in Oxford is the Oxford Memorial Library, which was built in 1811 and is one of the oldest libraries in New York State. The library is a hub of activity in the town and offers a wide range of programs and services for residents of all ages. The library also hosts community events and gatherings, making it a central part of life in Oxford.

In addition to its beautiful scenery and historic charm, Oxford also offers a variety of recreational opportunities for outdoor enthusiasts. The town is home to several parks and nature preserves, including the Bowman Lake State Park and the McDonough State Forest, where visitors can enjoy hiking, fishing, and camping in a peaceful and natural setting.

Oxford is also known for its strong sense of community and civic pride. The town hosts a number of annual events and festivals, including the Oxford Strawberry Festival, which celebrates the town’s agricultural heritage and is a beloved tradition for residents and visitors alike.

Overall, Oxford, New York, is a delightful and welcoming town that offers a peaceful and idyllic lifestyle for its residents. With its rich history, natural beauty, and strong sense of community, Oxford is a hidden gem in upstate New York and a wonderful place to call home.

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