Pasatiempo Mold Removal


(330) 625-9432

Pasatiempo Mold Remediation

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Pasatiempo, California is a charming and picturesque community nestled in the beautiful foothills of the Santa Cruz Mountains. Located just a few miles north of Santa Cruz, Pasatiempo offers residents and visitors a peaceful retreat from the hustle and bustle of the city, while still being close enough to take advantage of all the amenities and entertainment that the nearby urban area has to offer.

The name “Pasatiempo” translates to “pastime” in Spanish, which is fitting for a town that is known for its relaxed and leisurely atmosphere. The community is centered around the prestigious Pasatiempo Golf Club, which was designed by the renowned golf course architect Alister MacKenzie. The championship course is consistently ranked as one of the top courses in the country, and it provides stunning views of the surrounding mountains and coastline.

In addition to its beautiful golf course, Pasatiempo is surrounded by lush greenery and scenic trails that are perfect for hiking and biking. The town also has a close-knit community feel, with friendly neighbors and a strong sense of local pride. The nearby Henry Cowell Redwoods State Park offers even more opportunities for outdoor exploration, with its towering redwood trees and scenic hiking trails.

Pasatiempo is also within easy driving distance of the charming seaside town of Santa Cruz, which is known for its beautiful beaches, vibrant boardwalk, and eclectic shops and restaurants. Residents of Pasatiempo can enjoy all the amenities of a larger city while still being able to retreat to the tranquility of their peaceful community at the end of the day.

Overall, Pasatiempo, California offers a serene and idyllic lifestyle for those who seek a peaceful retreat in a beautiful natural setting. With its stunning golf course, scenic vistas, and strong sense of community, it is no wonder that Pasatiempo is considered one of the most desirable places to live in the Santa Cruz area.

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