Philippi Mold Removal


(330) 625-9432

Philippi Mold Remediation

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Philippi is a small town located in Barbour County in the state of West Virginia. It is the county seat and has a population of around 2,966 people as of the 2010 census. The town is situated along the Tygart Valley River and is a picturesque location with a historic downtown area and a charming, small-town atmosphere.

Philippi is known for its rich history, particularly as the site of the first land battle of the Civil War. The Battle of Philippi took place on June 3, 1861, and marked the first organized land action of the war. Today, the town commemorates this historic event with a museum and annual reenactments that attract visitors from around the country.

In addition to its historical significance, Philippi also offers a variety of outdoor recreational activities. The Tygart Valley River provides opportunities for fishing, boating, and other water sports. The nearby Audra State Park offers hiking trails, camping, and picnicking areas, making it a popular destination for nature enthusiasts.

The town also hosts a number of annual events and festivals, including the Covered Bridge and Arts Festival, which celebrates the town’s historic covered bridge and features live music, arts and crafts vendors, and local food. Another popular event is the Blue & Gray Reunion, which commemorates the Battle of Philippi and includes a reenactment, living history demonstrations, and other activities.

In terms of education, Philippi is home to Alderson Broaddus University, a private liberal arts college that offers a range of undergraduate and graduate programs. The university brings a youthful energy to the town, with students often participating in community events and activities.

Overall, Philippi, West Virginia, is a town with a rich history, natural beauty, and a strong sense of community. Whether visitors are interested in learning about the Civil War, enjoying outdoor recreation, or experiencing small-town charm, Philippi has something to offer for everyone.

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