Raleigh Hills Mold Removal


(330) 625-9432

Raleigh Hills Mold Remediation

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Call: (330) 625-9432

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Raleigh Hills is a charming and picturesque suburban community located in the western region of Portland, Oregon. Known for its tree-lined streets, spacious parks, and strong sense of community, Raleigh Hills offers its residents a peaceful and welcoming environment to call home.

The neighborhood is primarily comprised of single-family homes, ranging from quaint ranch-style houses to more modern and luxurious properties. The area is highly sought after for its well-maintained streets and manicured lawns, contributing to a sense of pride and care among its residents. The real estate market in Raleigh Hills is thriving, with a mix of long-time homeowners and new families moving into the area, drawn in by its beautiful homes and strong sense of community.

Raleigh Hills is well-served by numerous parks and green spaces, including the popular Raleigh Park and Swim Center. The park features playgrounds, sports fields, and walking trails, offering plenty of opportunities for outdoor recreational activities for residents of all ages. In addition, the Raleigh Hills neighborhood is in close proximity to the Tualatin Hills Nature Park, a 222-acre wildlife reserve that provides a serene sanctuary for hiking, bird-watching, and other outdoor pursuits.

Residents of Raleigh Hills also have access to a variety of shopping and dining options, with the nearby Beaverton Town Square and Washington Square Mall offering a wide range of retail stores, restaurants, and entertainment venues. Additionally, the neighborhood is situated within a short drive to downtown Portland, providing easy access to the city’s vibrant cultural scene, diverse culinary offerings, and exciting nightlife.

The community of Raleigh Hills is served by the highly-rated Beaverton School District, offering a top-notch education for children of all ages. The area also boasts a strong sense of community, with active neighborhood associations and local events such as farmers’ markets, community fairs, and holiday celebrations bringing residents together. Overall, Raleigh Hills is a thriving and desirable neighborhood that offers a high quality of life for its residents in the beautiful Pacific Northwest.

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