Rutherford Mold Removal


(330) 625-9432

Rutherford Mold Remediation

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Rutherford is a beautiful suburban township located in Bergen County, New Jersey. It has a population of approximately 18,400 residents and is known for its picturesque neighborhoods, strong sense of community, and convenient location. Rutherford is conveniently situated just 8 miles west of New York City, making it an ideal place for commuters and those who want to enjoy the amenities of the city without living in it.

Rutherford has a rich history that dates back to the 18th century when it was first settled by Dutch and English colonists. The township was officially incorporated in 1881 and has since grown into a thriving and vibrant community. One of its most notable landmarks is the historic Meadowlands, which played a significant role in the American Revolution. Today, the Meadowlands is a popular destination for nature enthusiasts, offering a variety of recreational activities such as hiking, birdwatching, and picnicking.

Rutherford is also home to a charming downtown area that is filled with an array of shops, restaurants, and businesses. Residents and visitors can explore a diverse range of dining options, from casual cafes to upscale eateries, offering a variety of cuisines to satisfy any palate. The downtown area also hosts a number of events and festivals throughout the year, including a weekly farmers’ market, outdoor concerts, and holiday celebrations.

In terms of education, Rutherford is served by a highly rated public school system, providing students with a quality education from kindergarten through high school. Additionally, there are several private schools and daycare facilities in the area, offering families a range of options for their children’s educational needs.

Rutherford offers a range of recreational activities for residents to enjoy, including numerous parks, sports fields, and community centers. The township also boasts a state-of-the-art public library, which hosts a variety of programs and events for all ages.

Overall, Rutherford, New Jersey, is a truly special place to live, offering a combination of small-town charm, urban convenience, and a strong sense of community. Whether you’re looking for a peaceful suburban lifestyle or easy access to the excitement of nearby cities, Rutherford has something to offer for everyone.

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