Sawyerwood Mold Removal


(330) 625-9432

Sawyerwood Mold Remediation

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Sawyerwood is a small, tight-knit community located in Summit County, Ohio. With a population of just over 1,000 residents, Sawyerwood is a quiet and peaceful place to live. The community is situated just outside of Akron, providing easy access to the amenities of a larger city while maintaining a more suburban and rural atmosphere.

Sawyerwood is known for its beautiful natural surroundings, with plenty of green space and parks for residents to enjoy. The Cuyahoga River flows just to the west of the community, providing opportunities for outdoor activities such as fishing, kayaking, and hiking. The area is also known for its picturesque landscapes, with rolling hills and wooded areas that are especially striking in the fall when the leaves change color.

The community has a strong sense of pride and camaraderie, with many residents actively involved in local events and organizations. The Sawyerwood Civic Association organizes community events throughout the year, such as picnics, parades, and holiday celebrations, helping to foster a sense of community and belonging among residents.

Sawyerwood also has a rich history, with several historic buildings and landmarks that serve as a reminder of the area’s past. The community is home to the historic Sawyerwood School, which was built in 1914 and served as a school for many years before being converted into a community center. The school building is a focal point of the community and is often used for events and meetings.

For those who enjoy exploring the outdoors, Sawyerwood offers plenty of options. The nearby Portage Lakes State Park provides opportunities for boating, swimming, and hiking, while the Ohio & Erie Canal Towpath Trail offers a scenic route for walking and biking.

Overall, Sawyerwood, Ohio is a charming and welcoming community that offers a peaceful and laid-back lifestyle for its residents. With its beautiful natural surroundings, strong sense of community, and convenient access to nearby amenities, Sawyerwood is a great place to call home.

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